

〖世界名画收藏指南〗携手同心 铸就未来——新中国艺术先锋刘永年


刘永年,笔名 刘彩峰,斋号 镜湖斋,祖籍 含山,系芜湖市人,1940年出生。受教于芜湖电力专科学校,1958年毕业。书法世家,自幼受严教和熏陶,晚年歇业后,对书法的眷念和深情重新执笔,勤耕于墨池,学习各家之长,研究兰竹之韵,充实书法的美感。作品多次在国内外展出。参展活动,本人崇尚书法精神,遵训法度,积极参与交流,共同提高, 作品多次荣获各项奖项和荣誉,并授于“中国慈善书画艺术爱心大使”称号“献礼十九大,共筑中国梦精品展大赛中,被中国迎党的十九大胜利召开公益书画展组织委员会收藏入编《共和国史册上的中国当代书画名家大典》。我已年至八旬,在今后的岁月里重在参与。

Liu Yongnian, pen name Liu Caifeng, Zhai No. Jinghu Zhai, ancestral home Hanshan, is a native of Wuhu City, born in 1940. He was taught at Wuhu Electric Power College and graduated in 1958. The calligraphy family has been strictly taught and nurtured since childhood. After going out of school in his later years, he started writing again with nostalgia and affection for calligraphy. His works have been exhibited at home and abroad for many times. Participating in the activities, I advocate the spirit of calligraphy, abide by the law, actively participate in exchanges, improve together, and have many works

He has won various awards and honors for the second time, and was awarded the title of “Ambassador of Chinese Charity Calligraphy and Painting Art” “Giving a Gift to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Building a Chinese Dream Together Excellent Exhibition Competition, and was successfully held by the Chinese Communist Party’s 19th National Congress. It was collected and compiled into “The Great Ceremony of Chinese Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Masters in the History of the Republic”. I am in my 80s, and I will focus on participating in the years to come.

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